Monday, August 10, 2015

some days

I'll bet most people get the impression I'm "living the dream".
Unfortunately, some days the dream seems really more like a nightmare.

Many days I am able to put on my brave face, think positively and live a relatively "normal" life.

Some days I am in a prison of tears and blackness.
Insecurities get the best of me, and I struggle to escape.

When you struggle with depression, it's not something that you want to share.
Who wants to be with someone who suffers like that? Not a very attractive feature.
But this is me. It's not a part of me I'm proud of or want to focus on ... but it's part of who I am.

It's a battle. Many days I win. Some, not so much.

Today I feel very alone.
My fears and insecurities seem to be winning, and the weight of the world is pressing down on me.

I have no friends here ... no family ... no one ... I am alone and struggling.

I will crawl out of this hole, and writing this helps.

I'll get through it. Everything is temporary...

Today is a day for tears  If you see me today - I could sure use a hug.


Unknown said...

You do have friends! Reach out to us when you need us!

misterpete said...

~ thanks Angela ~

Unknown said...

Right now the sky is really dark, I can hear the thunder, and it's about to rain, but as someone once told me, take the time to say thanks, everything will be cleaner, the plants will get the water they need, and when it's over the sky will look nicer. Keep the hope, and know that there are a lot of people that are thinking about you, and are looking forward the next match of volleyball! :) Joc