Wednesday, April 06, 2016

much better now

An episode of depression is damn ugly.
The struggle to crawl out of the hole is hard and painful.
It's tough to do ... even with the meds
and the family doctor
and the therapist
and the helpline
and the understanding coworkers
and the friend who checks in with you ...
Even with all those supports ... depression is a hard, painful struggle.
I can't imagine how difficult the challenge would be without those supports.

I am back at work, playing volleyball, and functioning again.
I can still feel the poison of depression within me,
but I have picked myself up, dusted myself off and rejoined the human race.
When a coworker asks how I am, the answer is "OK" ...
and that's better than I was 2 or  3 weeks ago.
Everyday, I am a little stronger and am starting to feel hopeful again
that within a couple of weeks I might be able to put this darkness behind me.

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