Tuesday, May 14, 2013

r e c o v e r y

I am back at work full time now and feeling MUCH better. Looking back on my recent episode of depression, I try to look for some things I can learn from it.

Because I try to live a fairly healthy lifestyle, my depression lasted only a few weeks. Excercise, good sleeping habits, a healthy diet and patience can go a long way in minimizing my down time. Good support around me also of course contributed greatly to my speedy recovery.

I know there's a lot wrong with the world, but I won't let it  drag me down. Allowing it to would only be destructive.  I acknowledged it and move on. I can't solve all the world's problems ... I can only try and do the best I can in my life. In my little corner of the universe, I hope to be a Todd role model, a helpful decent man and maybe, if I'm lucky, inspire a couple of people along the way.
When the world is running down
you make the best of what's still around
I have weathered this recent storm and come out into the sunshine. There a few clouds in the distance, but for now at least, I will take a deep breath and try to appreciate the warm sunshine.

Everyone has their battles. Everyone struggles with stress. Health, mont, relationships, self image, or something else.

I am not lying in a bed in some cancer ward. I am not homeless, jobless and destitute living in some third world country. I am pretty damn lucky to have all that I have and be where I am.

I am grateful for all the support around me that aided in my recovery and I look forward to a sunnier disposition : )

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