Saturday, May 04, 2013

Trying to ramp up "normal"

Last week I began the process of easing back into the rat race by doing a few half days at work. The upcoming week I will attempt to rejoin the workforce full time.

The good news: for the most part, my depression issues are behind me.

The not so good news: recent blood tests show that my body is not absorbing nutrients like iron effectively (despite changes in diet and supplements). This may explain part of the depression / why my energy & stamina are lacking.

Thursday was spent getting poked and prodded at clinics & hospitals ...
 they took more blood samples and wanted to give me an iron (IV) injection.
Unfortunately my blood pressure was too low, so they could not ... they will try again next Thursday.

 They suspect my crohns may be responsible and are also testing for celiacs over the next month
They are also putting me on crohns meds that require blood tests every 2 weeks to look for complications / tolerance.

I have to try and get my blood pressure up, so they can give me iron Thursday. My blood pressure and iron may be low due to internal blood loss ... thanks to inflammation and scarring related to my crohns disease.

Over the next few weeks I hope to get a handle on some of these health challenges.

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