Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Depressive Thinking Can Be Contagious

We don’t think of emotional states as passing from one person to another, but a new study suggests some depressive thoughts can go viral.

Researchers studying a group of college students found that certain types of depressive thinking can spread from close-living roommates like a lingering flu.

Although many people see depression as a chemical imbalance in the brain, scientists say social context and the way you see yourself and the world can be critical in causing and sustaining the illness, which affects around 10% of college-age adults.

“Thinking styles are a really important factor in risk for depression,” says the study’s lead author Gerald Haeffel, associate professor of clinical psychology at Notre Dame University. “How one thinks about life stress and negative moods is one of the best predictors that we have of future depression.”

Haeffel and his colleagues recognized that starting life in a college dorm — with students transitioning from the familiarity of high school and family and venturing into a completely new social setting — would serve as an ideal real-world laboratory for studying how social connections and thinking styles of some students can influence others, and how these interactions can affect depression.

“For many freshmen, going to college is a seminal life transition,” he says. “They are moving away from home for the first time, and their social context is turned on its head. An important feature of our design was that students were randomly assigned to roommates. This means that students were not able to actively choose someone to live with. [They] had to live with a stranger who might have a completely different style of thinking.”

Previous research showed that depressive thinking styles tend to become stable and consistent by high school, and that they can increase risk of depression (without necessarily causing the condition) over an entire lifetime. “Cognitive vulnerability is not the same thing as depression,” says Haeffel. “Someone can have a cognitive vulnerability but not appear sad or gloomy. It can be thought of similarly as high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a risk for heart disease, but it does not mean the person has heart disease.”

Major life changes, however, like starting college and being exposed to new people, might serve as triggers for whether this risk factor crosses the threshold into becoming an actual depressive disorder, as Haeffel and his colleagues reported in their study, which was published in Clinical Psychological Science.

The authors recruited 108 incoming college freshmen at a private university in the Midwest, including 42 men with male roommates and 66 women with female roommates randomly assigned by the college. Within their first month of school, the students took an online survey about their thinking styles, stress exposure and depression symptoms. They were surveyed again online three months and six months later.

Haeffel and his team explored two types of thinking previously linked with depression. The first involved rumination or constant brooding about what’s going wrong. “A person who broods will focus on his or her negative mood,” says Haeffel. “[They] will think about how sad they feel, try to understand why [they] feel depressed and worry about the implications of their sadness. In contrast, someone who does not brood will tend to distract themselves when feeling sad, [for example, by exercising].”

The second depressive style that was examined is known as “hopelessness,” which Haeffel says “gets at the self-worth implications and consequences of an event.” For example, a person who feels hopeless might lose a job and see it as a personal failure and a sign that he will never be employable again. A more resilient person might blame the economy or see the situation as an opportunity to get a better position.

The researchers found that hopelessness was not contagious among roommates — but rumination was. Hopelessness focuses on the content of one’s own thoughts, which are likely deeply embedded and related to other perceptions about the self, and therefore might be less likely to influence the way other people think. Rumination, on the other hand, is a process that is probably easier to mirror by adopting the same focus on negative ideas or attention to sadness, as well as the constant discussion about this darker perspective.

Interestingly, depression symptoms themselves were not contagious: simply having a roommate with symptoms of the disorder did not increase risk of developing the mental illness. But those who picked up a ruminative style of thinking from their roommates during the first three months of school had more than double the number of depressive symptoms of those who either weren’t exposed to this perspective or didn’t adopt the rumination three months later. And the risk was magnified if they experienced high levels of stress.

The study also found, however, that healthy thinking was also contagious. “Those assigned to a roommate with a more positive thinking style developed a more positive style themselves whereas those assigned to a roommate with a negative style became more negative,” Haeffel says. The study could not determine what made a particular roommate’s style more likely to dominate and influence, rather than be influenced.

Such information could enhance the current findings and contribute to new ways of treating and preventing depression. The results suggest that depressive thinking styles can still be influenced during young adulthood — so this risk factor can be minimized even if it has already developed during high school or earlier. Targeting ruminative thinking might also enhance therapy.

“The therapist could assess if people in the patient’s life are modeling and providing adaptive cognitive feedback about stress and negative life events,” says Haeffel. “The therapist could then provide those with negative thinking styles with information about the contagion effect along with training that would help them identify negative thought patterns and provide examples of more adaptive ways of thinking.”

So while depressive thoughts can spread from person to person, making depression more contagious than previously thought, these perspectives can also be the focus of effective therapies that could, just as antiviral and antibacterial agents do, block them from taking hold.

April 24, 2013        source: Time

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Your brain is more than a bag of chemicals.

Dopamine, ADHD, Depression ... modern attitudes & future research possibilities-

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

r e c o v e r y

I am back at work full time now and feeling MUCH better. Looking back on my recent episode of depression, I try to look for some things I can learn from it.

Because I try to live a fairly healthy lifestyle, my depression lasted only a few weeks. Excercise, good sleeping habits, a healthy diet and patience can go a long way in minimizing my down time. Good support around me also of course contributed greatly to my speedy recovery.

I know there's a lot wrong with the world, but I won't let it  drag me down. Allowing it to would only be destructive.  I acknowledged it and move on. I can't solve all the world's problems ... I can only try and do the best I can in my life. In my little corner of the universe, I hope to be a Todd role model, a helpful decent man and maybe, if I'm lucky, inspire a couple of people along the way.
When the world is running down
you make the best of what's still around
I have weathered this recent storm and come out into the sunshine. There a few clouds in the distance, but for now at least, I will take a deep breath and try to appreciate the warm sunshine.

Everyone has their battles. Everyone struggles with stress. Health, mont, relationships, self image, or something else.

I am not lying in a bed in some cancer ward. I am not homeless, jobless and destitute living in some third world country. I am pretty damn lucky to have all that I have and be where I am.

I am grateful for all the support around me that aided in my recovery and I look forward to a sunnier disposition : )

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Ironing out some health wrinkles

This morning I will be visiting Riverside Hospital for a second attempt to get more iron into my body.

Last week I found out that my Crohns is rearing its ugly head again ... Not allowing my body to process calcium, iron and other nutrients. That helps explain shy some days I am exhausted by noon.

The iron shot lowers your blood pressure, so nurses monitor you before, during and after. Mine was too low last week to get the iron infusion ... Possible internal bleeding may account for the low blood pressure.

Without iron My energy & stamina are almost non existant.

Over the next few weeks new Meds, tests, and doctors will try and gets healthier.

Wish me luck !

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Trying to ramp up "normal"

Last week I began the process of easing back into the rat race by doing a few half days at work. The upcoming week I will attempt to rejoin the workforce full time.

The good news: for the most part, my depression issues are behind me.

The not so good news: recent blood tests show that my body is not absorbing nutrients like iron effectively (despite changes in diet and supplements). This may explain part of the depression / why my energy & stamina are lacking.

Thursday was spent getting poked and prodded at clinics & hospitals ...
 they took more blood samples and wanted to give me an iron (IV) injection.
Unfortunately my blood pressure was too low, so they could not ... they will try again next Thursday.

 They suspect my crohns may be responsible and are also testing for celiacs over the next month
They are also putting me on crohns meds that require blood tests every 2 weeks to look for complications / tolerance.

I have to try and get my blood pressure up, so they can give me iron Thursday. My blood pressure and iron may be low due to internal blood loss ... thanks to inflammation and scarring related to my crohns disease.

Over the next few weeks I hope to get a handle on some of these health challenges.