Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Back To Work

This week I returned to work. It's mornings only for the first week or two .... Try to ease back into things.

It's surprising the amount of stresses we have implemented into our lives ... Wake up early, rush to get cleaned up, have coffee, eat breakfast, make lunch and rush through traffic to get get to work on time ... it becomes part of the landscape and we adapt to it - it gets assimilated into the routine.

Stress is the #1 epidemic of our time ... we have glorified profit and business ... the result is a wide range of health problems that often can be stress related.

Yesterday - just the morning exhausted me ... the afternoon was spent recovering on the couch ... but today went better and I was more productive. If everyday was like today, I could probably jump into full time right away, but currently it's hit and miss.

If by late in the week I see more consistent progress with energy and stamina, I might go back full time fairly soon ... we'll see.

It feels nice to be more productive again. 

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