Sunday, April 14, 2013

I am stronger than this

Determination and self discipline are probably your greatest tools in the fight against depression.

The easiest thing to do is just give in and go along for the ride. Anyone can just take the easy route and surrender to the black dog, but if you want to recover, you have to make healthier choices.

It can be challenging at times to force yourself to take the high road, but the reward is knowing that you are taking back control. You are in charge of your destiny ... the sooner you work toward being stronger, the sooner you will be back in the sunshine.

Not every day will be victorious, but that's ok. Cut yourself a little slack on those days and focus on conquering destructive behaviours that may be sabotaging your well being.

Most of us are usually on a spiral journey ... either heading up toward health and happiness, or heading downward along the more destructive, unhealthy direction. The choices we make along the way on this spiral influence which direction we be headed toward.

Depression is a trip down the spiral ... but with time, support, determination and patience, we can return and begin heading back toward the healthier, happier side of things.

You have to want to ... and you have to find the strength to make healthier decisions.

Nothing worthwhile comes easily, and this is especially true with self discipline.

As I get stronger, I give myself permission to be proud of my victories. 
I am stronger than this. 

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