Tuesday, April 16, 2013

the world can be an ugly place

It can make you want to hide ... withdraw ... escape.

It's the day after the Boston Marathon bombings ... one more reminder of how cold and cruel the world can be.

One doesn't have to look far to find the ugliness in the world ... just watch the news. If you listen to the news throughout the day, it can easily drag you down. I like to stay informed ... I know that knowledge is power, but consciously choosing to absorb all the things wrong with the world can be a destructive force in our life.

Call yourself a pessimist, a realist or an optimist ... I believe we find what we look for. If you want to believe the world is a bad place, you can easily find examples around to support your case.

I want to believe in the peacemakers, the healers and the teachers. I choose to focus on beauty, serenity and positivity.

Are there damaged, misguided people in the world? Absolutely. I know there are ... but I choose to look for the good. I have to ... I won't allow the negativity of the world bog me down.

I can understand how some can buckle under the pressure. I have felt the weight of the world and it can be crushing. It can make you feel like you want to stop the world and get off ... but there is no where to go.

Coping with stress ... pressure ... it can be a mammoth challenge for many of us. I don't want be one of those who allows it to take over their lives. I may be afflicted temporarily, but I'll be damned if I allow it to devastate me.

I choose to focus on the good, the caring, the thoughtful and the loving.

Beyond the clouds, I know the sun is shining.

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